New Scanning Technology May Remove 100 ml Liquid Rule
Airports around the world are all set to introduce new scanning technology that may eliminate the 100 ml liquid rule at airport security.
Airports around the world are all set to introduce new scanning technology that may eliminate the 100 ml liquid rule at airport security.
Many flights in Germany are canceled because of strikes. Security workers at Frankfurt International Airport are not working to protest against not getting enough money.
A passenger caused 12 people get injured by opening the emergency exit door in an Asiana Airlines flight in South Korea.
Air travels generally bear unexpected surprises. This weird incident happened during a domestic flight. During the flight, the dog made everyone laugh by producing loud and smelly farts.
The world of aviation can sometimes witness weird and sad events. Today, we bring you the tragic and shameful story of Mike Beaton, an experienced pilot of British Airways. Here are the details of the event that happened after a bender.